Chapter 838 Motive (Part 1)
You can’t blame Jack for having too many ideas. After all, today’s FBI is no longer in the era of Hoover, and the FBI is no longer the monolithic entity perceived by the outside world. All forces in the bureau have their own Spokesperson.
For example, it is said that there is a "secret group" in the FBI General Counsel's Office that is opposed to the current President, which caused a big disturbance in the previous presidential election.
The controversy ended with a deputy chief being fired 26 hours before his scheduled retirement, depriving him of his pension and other benefits, privileges and rights for his entire law enforcement career.
In fact, let alone Jack, Jubal was still a little uneasy after making the call. The reason why the superiors turned a blind eye to the radical style of the wanted criminal group was that except for those from the New York office The female boss protects them because their radicalism only targets those vicious criminals.
An extremely sharp knife is useful because its blade points outward, but when it hurts its owner, no matter who is responsible, the knife will be regarded as unlucky or a nuisance to the owner.
"No matter what, let's first investigate the judge's motivations for doing this." Jubal finally made the decision.
An hour later, on the second floor of the court, in the office of Criminal Judge Howard Rourke, Jiejie knocked on the door. At the desk that originally belonged to the judge, Jack Sitting face to face with Jubal, his eyes wide open and his eyes wide open, he had a pile of information in his hand.
"The Sheriff failed to contact Howard Rourke. The state police have issued a nationwide wanted order for the Dolanger 'TAHOE'. Did you find anything interesting in his information? ?”
"Nothing. As far as judges are concerned, this Rourke's resume can only be considered ordinary or even mediocre."
Jubal sighed, "Born in Forrest, graduated from Georgetown Law School in 1996 After graduation, he worked in the Baltimore District Attorney's Office for more than ten years. In 10 years, he returned to Forrest and became a judge.
After that, he worked in civil court for several years, and then worked with a judge. A famous judge competed for the position of Judge of the Criminal Court, and he has been working there since he won.”
Georgetown Law School is not a second-rate law school. Although it is not ranked as top as Stanford and Yale, it cannot stand up to its superior location.
The main campus of this university is located in the center of Washington DC, close to the Federal Supreme Court and Capitol Hill. As a graduate of this law school, he is still only a local criminal court at nearly 60 years old. The judge can indeed only be described as mediocre.
Jack continued with a slightly sarcastic tone, "This man's mid-life crisis seems to have come a bit late. He planned to change his career when he was almost 60 years old, from a respected judge to a serial murderer."
"Then he killed all the prosecutors who had prosecuted criminals in his court. Why?" Hannah lowered the curtains and left the window. The judge's office had an excellent view, overlooking the lawn in front of the court and the sculpture.
"I think I've probably found the answer here." Alice, who had been sitting on the sofa nearby and busy with her laptop, answered Hannah's question.
“I remember that you used Katherine Sloan, one of the three assistant prosecutors, as the main victim, right?”
“Yes, but a fledgling lawyer and criminal court judge What kind of contradiction can there be?" Aubrey suddenly appeared in the seat next to Alice's sofa. The others could only stand behind the sofa and look at the computer screen in her hand.
Alice said while clicking on a video, "Six months ago, Katherine Sloan prosecuted a case in Howard Rourke's court, and a defendant was charged with two felonies of sexual assault." "She won, didn't she? "Jack thought about what Katherine Sloan's father had said before, that she had never lost a case before.
“Yes, the conviction, but the sentence doesn’t count, Katherine Sloan argued for a minimum of 10 years, while Howard Rourke only got two years, and then there was This"
While talking, Alice played a news video on her computer. The headline of the news was very eye-catching, "Assistant Prosecutor Questions Judge's Sentencing."
In the video, Katherine Sloan was a little emotional when facing the reporters' microphones,
“To say Judge Rourke’s ridiculous sentence is disappointing would be an understatement. In conservative southern states, sexual assault victims have endured enough harm just to be in the public eye. She should be despised by the judge."
Jubal grinned and commented, "Ambitious and passionate, this girl regarded a criminal court judge as her own in her first year of work.
But obviously this is only one of the motives. If a judge went on a killing spree just because he couldn't stand the public accusation of a little assistant prosecutor, we would be busy. "Coming."
Jack agreed, "This happened half a year ago. We still need to find the trigger that caused his collapse. How about visiting the judge's wife?" As a pillow person, she may be the person who knows Howard Rourke best.”
If there is any place in Arkansas more famous than Little Rock, then Hot Springs is probably one of them. As early as the 19th century, the hot springs here were commercially developed.
This is also the smallest national park in the United States, covering an area of only 22 square kilometers and is surrounded by an entire town. The town is dotted with various luxurious bathrooms imitating the styles of top European hot spring baths.
In the center of the park stands a small extinct volcano, called Hot Spring Mountain. Hot water flowing down from the top of the mountain, with a temperature of up to 62 degrees, is collected and flows into these bathrooms through pipes.
Jack and Jiejie did not find Howard Rourke's wife at his residence. After some inquiring, they found out that his real home, or rather his wife's residence, is located this distance from Forrest. There is a hot spring town more than 200 kilometers away.
Driving along the state I-40 highway for three hours, the two finally met the sad-looking Mrs. Rourke in an extremely luxurious villa in the town.
"Just call me Cynthia."
Obviously, bad news travels much faster than wheels. When I saw two FBIs coming to visit, this white man, although not very young anymore, was still well-maintained. The lady very kindly invited the two of them into the backyard, where the servants had already laid out refreshments in advance.
A magistrate’s salary obviously cannot afford what is happening in front of him. Looking at Mrs. Rourke’s still slim figure in her fifties, the answer is already obvious. Judge Rourke was afraid that Climbed a high branch.
"I don't want to have anything to do with that person anymore. My lawyer is handling everything." Although her attitude towards the two FBIs was very friendly, the mood of the woman in front of her was far from calm.
(End of this chapter)