Some people may find it strange that other princes have ministers to help them. Doesn't he, the prince, not have a few important ministers to help him? In fact, there really wasn't. The reason why those princes had the help of important ministers was because those important ministers married their daughters to those princes, so of course they would help those princes fight for the position of prince.
The main reason why the prince does not have the help of his ministers is that the emperor is still alive and well. It can be said that he is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period. At this time, if those ministers take sides casually, they are looking for death. The prince At this time, he did not dare to drag those ministers into a trap at will. If he dared to do so, the emperor would be the first to deal with him.
Who is the prince? He is the person closest to the throne. If the emperor is gone, then he will be the emperor, but the other princes are different. The other princes must first fight for the position of the prince. When they become the prince, then they Only then do you think about becoming an emperor, but there is a layer between them.
In fact, there are many times when the prince is like a target. Especially when the royal family is still alive and well, the position of the prince is even more of a target. Therefore, many times, in fact, the prince does not become the emperor in the end. Because there were too many people attacking him.
The prince obviously understands this truth, so now he really wants to control his own power. He doesn't want to have no power at all when someone wants to deal with him, but he can't win over those ministers. If he If he did this, the emperor would deal with him immediately, so he had to think of another way, and the way the prince came up with this time was to deal with the Sima family.
The Sima family is not too strong, but they control a space fortress. If the prince is not here to deal with a family like this, it would be really difficult for other big families to deal with them, but the prince is here to deal with them. They, then they have no good solution. They can only surrender and dare not resist.
The people of the Sima family are doing the same thing now. They took away all the things they could take away from the family, and they also took away all the people they could take away. However, the people sent by the prince had no idea what the Sima family was like. However, there was no reaction. The prince agreed to this, so they did not object to the Sima family. After doing this, when all the people of the Sima family boarded the spaceship, those spaceships drove away directly, and the people sent by the prince began to officially take over the Xipu planet. From today on, the Xipu planet will also officially take over. The owner has changed, but to the ordinary people below, there seems to be no change.
This time, the people sent by the prince to take over Xipu Star were all shrewd people under him, and the prince had already told them that after they arrived at Xipu Star, they should do nothing first and let Xipu Star. Puxing operates in the same way as before. They first understand the situation here on Xipuxing. After they fully understand the situation here on Xipuxing, it is not too late for them to act.
As for Sima De and the others, they have now sat on the spaceship. Although each of them looks a little heavy-faced and a little scared, overall, their mood is quite stable, and after they arrived on the spaceship, they were also very calm. Honestly, although I was still discussing how to live in the future, overall, there were no accidents.
They also went directly to the capital circle through the wormhole portal. The capital circle, like the capital star, is a specific name. The capital circle is centered on the capital and then drawn with a month as the radius. In a circle, some administrative stars in this circle are all people from the capital circle. Although the people living here in the capital circle are not as good as the people in the capital star, they are not bad. They take the spaceship and only use no In one month, you can reach the capital star, which is already very good, so People here in the capital area are also quite enviable, and here in the capital area, there are several wormhole portals. Some of these wormhole portals are relatively close to the capital star, and some are far away from the capital star. The capital star is relatively close, but even if it is teleported relatively close to the capital star The formation is several days away from the capital star. They will not build the wormhole portal directly next to the capital star. If they really do that, if one day a rebellion occurs, the rebels will not Did you just arrive at Capital Star in the first place? If one day they really fight with the Six Realms, then if the people from the Six Realms grab the wormhole portal, wouldn't they be able to come to the Capital Star as soon as possible? Therefore, wormholes must be built at least a few days away from the capital star. From the wormhole portal to the capital star, you must go through at least several inspections. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the capital star. .
As for the spaceship that picked up the Sima family members, the location where they appeared was a wormhole portal far away from the capital star. If he flew normally, it would take at least more than a month to go to the capital star, and from there Come out from here and go to Poison Mars. It's very close. It won't take long to reach Poison Mars. Those spaceships will go from there. After coming out of the wormhole portal, they drove directly towards Poison Mars. Three days later, they arrived at the only space port outside Poison Mars. After the spacecraft stopped at the space port, Sima De and the others looked at the space outside. The faces of the dilapidated spaceport all changed. At this moment, a man walked out of the cab of the spacecraft. He looked at Sima De and the others glanced at each other, then said in a deep voice: "Master Sima, the prince asked me to tell you something. From now on, your Sima family will guard Poison Star for the empire. Poison Mars is no better than other places. Outsiders only think that this place is abandoned." I didn’t even know that Poisonous Fire Crystal is rich in a kind of crystal called Poisonous Fire Crystal. This kind of crystal is a kind of crystal between the empire and other countries. During the Six Realms trade, important materials were always guarded here, and every year the empire would send some serious criminals. After these serious criminals arrived here, they had no chance to leave, so in the future, Poison Mars will be here Leave it to your family, this is the prince's respect for you, you should be grateful." After saying this, the man looked at Sima De.
When Sima De heard what the man said, his face couldn't help but become very ugly. After a while, he said, "Thank you, Your Highness. Sima De thanks your Highness for your great kindness." After that, he saluted to the man.
The man looked at Sima De and couldn't help but have a smile on his face, and then he said: "Every year, the empire will send people to get the Poison Fire Crystal, and at the same time, all the guards here will be removed from the Poison Fire Crystal. From now on, this poisonous spark will be the fiefdom of your Sima family. Of course, if you work well and do well, His Highness will also change your fiefdom for you. This is what His Highness asked me to tell you." When Sima De heard what he said, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and then he immediately said. He said: "Thank you, Your Highness."
The man nodded and said: "Now the original guards here at Poison Martian are ready. His Highness will give you three days. During these three days, you must make a good handover with them. After three days, Those people will leave with me, but the palace I have already said that this spaceship will be given to you, and all the other spaceships of your Sima family will be left to you. Okay, Lord Sima, you can get off the ship now." Sima De thanked him once and then accepted. The people from the Sima family got off the spacecraft with ugly faces.
When they entered the space port, they discovered that although the space port looked shabby on the outside, it was still very good inside. There were many people standing there in neat lines. Everyone looked at Sima De and the others eagerly. As soon as Sima De and the others saw those people, From the look on his face, he knew that these people had wanted to leave a long time ago and were waiting for them to come. When Sima De and the others arrived in front of those people, a man who looked to be in his sixties came out from among them. He saluted Sima De and said, "Xing Yuhai has seen you, sir." Everyone else also saluted Sima De.
Sima De returned the salute, and then he said with a cold face: "Let's start the handover." Xing Yuhai really didn't expect that Sima De would be so happy. He thought that Sima De would delay the handover, but here comes It was about to hand over, which was indeed a bit beyond his expectation, but he still responded, and then he immediately led Sima De to start the handover. In fact, it was nothing more than Tell Sima De how many prisoners there are in total, how many poisonous fire crystals they can produce every day, how many poisonous fire crystals they need to pick up every year, how long it will take for the empire to send some supplies here, how long it will take for the empire to Once someone is sent here, how long will it take for the empire to collect the poisonous fire crystals? All these must be explained clearly. This is considered a normal approach, and there is no appearance. , the two parties calmly handed over the situation of who was in trouble. Sima De also truly understood the situation here in Poison Martian. Now, here in Poison Martian, people do not make a living by picking up garbage at all. The people here really The means of making a living is actually to mine poisonous fire crystals, then hand over the poisonous fire crystals, and then exchange for some living materials from the empire. In the past, these things were all separated. Several batches of prisoners may be sent here every year, but in recent years, all these matters have been solved at once. A spaceship will send the prisoners here, as well as living supplies, and then take away the Poison Fire Crystal. It only comes once a year. , there are no more, so it is said that this is a forgotten planet, because except for coming here once a year to get the Poison Fire Crystal, this place really seems to have been forgotten. Some people may say that if you do this, wouldn't you be afraid that the people here in Poison Mars will directly sell the Poison Fire Crystal privately? This is almost impossible. The guards here on Poison Mars cannot leave Poison Mars. Although they have interstellar ships here, these interstellar ships are all marked. If they leave like flying on the Star Land, they will not get out yet. Poisonous Mars is a thousand miles away, and you will be warned immediately. If you continue to go, you may be attacked, and if Other spaceships must not go here without the consent of the empire. Once the spacecraft approaches here, they will be directly warned and asked to leave. People here have almost no way to contact people from the outside world. How to use poison? If the fire crystal is sold, people here can't get out, and people from outside can't get in. Of course, it's impossible to sell the poisonous fire crystal. (End of chapter)