Before, the two children Wang Junhuan and Wang Junli pretended to be her children. She raised them well without knowing it, trained them well, and gave them so many things. Now this is her biological son. Although It was under the arrangement of the author, but she would still raise him well and educate him well.
Don't let him become a rich playboy. There are good people and bad people around everyone. Others may take advantage of or plot against Xiaodong just because the Jian family is rich. She must raise him well and bring him to the next level. The deceptions and schemes of the sinister people in society were told to Xiaodong, so that even without her, Xiaodong could try to avoid being hurt by others.
Everyone broke off a nylon bag and a basket of bamboo shoots. When they went back, Jian Nan carried the nylon bag of bamboo shoots on his shoulders, and then carried the basket over. Hua Xiali was responsible for holding the little boy. Building.
Seeing that Jian Nan had stepped over the rocks to the river, Hua Xiali squatted down, washed his hands over and over again and released some spiritual spring water, attracting a group of fish to swim here.
Xiaodong jumped up excitedly, "There are so many fish, Dad, so many fish, come and catch them..."
This is the case for children in the city. Pictures that are ordinary in the eyes of children in the countryside are strange to the children in the city.
"Xiaodong, when the summer vacation comes, you come to grandma's house to spend the summer vacation. Mom will take you to turn over rocks to find shrimps and crabs, okay?" Hua Xiali squatted down, hugged Xiaodong, He asked with a smile.
Xiaodong nodded excitedly.
Jian Nan put down the nylon bag and looked back. Sure enough, a group of fish were spinning here, making a splashing sound in the water.
This scene is really spectacular.
Jian Nan quickly put down the bamboo shoots, poured the bamboo shoots in the basket on top of the nylon bag, and then directly used the basket to lift it into the water. The fish flapped excitedly in the basket.
Xiaodong also clapped his hands excitedly and cheered, "Dad is so awesome, he caught so many fish at once."
Jian Nan poured the fish onto the grass on the shore. , and then continued, Hua Xiali led Xiaodong to the shore, pulled out a few thin bamboo strips from the nearby bamboo, and then used the bamboo strips to string up the fish, skewered a few fish, and then let Xiaodong Dong is carrying it.
When Jian Nan stopped fishing, Hua Xiali strung up all the fish. She originally planned to carry them herself, but Jian Nan gave her the basket and carried the fish over.
Because the fish are strung together with bamboo strips, it is easy to pinch your hands when carrying them.
He didn't want to be watched by the villagers, so Hua Xiali took Jian Nan and Xiaodong home from the upper reaches of the river bend, which was just past the door of almost everyone's house, so they wouldn't be seen by too many people.
Just as I walked into the village and walked to the row of their house, I saw a group of people gathered in front of their house from a distance, probably all here to view Jian Nan's new car.
Although there were already many cars on the city streets at this time, cars were rare in their countryside. We only saw a car in the village once when Jian Nan got married a few years ago.
Hua Xiali looked at Jian Nan, "Do you want to go over and take care of it? What if your new car is scratched?"
Jian Nan placed the things beside the door of her third uncle's house. Then he walked over and said, "Everyone, please give way. Repairing a scratch on the car will cost several hundred yuan, so I hope everyone understands and please stand farther away."
Money is not an issue, he is afraid that someone will fish in troubled waters and want to cause damage, deliberately scratching this and breaking there, why should he let his car suffer such a thing. When everyone heard that the cost of repairing a scratch was so high, they all stayed away, fearing that they would be blamed for problems with the car.
Everyone whispered to each other and sighed quietly, Hua Xiali's family really had smoke coming out of their ancestral graves, Hua Xiali actually married into such a wealthy family.
You can tell by looking at this car. Their family will never earn so much money in their lifetime, but they end up spending so much money to buy a car, and they will also need to spend a lot of money to maintain it in the future. Buying a car is equivalent to buying a car. We are in big trouble, but they don’t care at all, which shows that they are rich!
The crowd slowly dispersed. Jian Nan went to take the bamboo shoots and fish home, while Hua Xiali walked around the car. Cars were not that popular at this time, so the price was quite high. , for the price of one car, you can buy several houses in small places, even courtyard houses, you can probably buy them.
Thinking of the courtyard house, Hua Xiali’s eyes lit up. In the future, a courtyard house will be worth tens of millions or hundreds of millions. If he can buy a courtyard house for his children now, he can sell the courtyard house at the right time in the future. , so that you don’t have to work hard all your life.
After all, a person's life is only a few decades, so why do you have to work so hard? And after working hard all your life, what will you get in the end?
Isn’t it better to live a happy life than to live a hard life?
And they are in a very good time. House prices are not that high and prices are not that high. They can prepare for their children first. If their children live a good life, they can worry less as parents.
Hua Xiali returned home, took a cutting board and a kitchen knife, and went to the well to handle the fish. Jian Nan took the knife from Hua Xiali's hand and said, "I'll handle the fish!"
"Okay, let you handle it then!" Hua Xiali handed the fish to Jian Nan to handle, while she went to handle the bamboo shoots. She took out the shelled bamboo shoots and washed them.
Nowadays, all the pots at home are used to make braised food, so she can only blanch the bamboo shoots in the same iron pot used for cooking rice, and then leave them there to wait. After everyone takes out the braised food from the pot, she can blanch them directly. Put the boiled bamboo shoots into the stewed soup until it can no longer hold, then cover the pot, and then add a few more firewood. The bamboo shoots are almost cooked after blanching, so now you only need to stew them for a while, and the rest will be done. Just wait for a while and then pick it up.
After the bamboo shoots were braised, Hua Xiali served a bowl to everyone in the family, even the third and fourth aunts. Everyone held the bowls and ate the bamboo shoots.
Hua Xiali also filled a bowl for Jian Nan and Xiao Dong, brought it to the main room and put it on the table and said, "Jian Nan, Xiao Dong, you have never eaten bamboo shoots, right? Try it quickly. "How does it taste?"
Xiaodong cheered and ran over, pulled out the bench and sat on it, then picked up the chopsticks placed on the bowl and picked them up. A bamboo shoot, when I noticed it was steaming, I quickly raised my mouth and blew it, then took a bite. Then I turned to look at Hua Xiali and said, "Mom, bamboo shoots are delicious, I like to eat them."
Hua Xiali touched the back of his head and smiled fondly, "As long as it's food, you find it delicious."
Jian Nan also nodded to Hua Xiali, "It's indeed delicious."
"Don't talk about this when you go back." Hua Xiali looked at Jian Nan and warned.
She was afraid that if he went back and told his father, his father would buy the secret recipe for bamboo shoots again. She wanted to keep the bamboo shoots for herself and sell them, and did not want to hand them over again.
After all, bamboo shoots are large and can make a lot of money. (End of this chapter)