Relevant references for research on cryptochrome proteins. [1] Chen Wei, Wang Xiaoming, Sun Hongbin. Cryptochrome-Biomagnetosensory Protein [J] Chinese Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 2014.30(10): 973-978
[2]Zhang Shengjia. Magnetogenetics:remotenoninvasivemagneticactivationofneuronaactivitywithamagnetoreceptor[J]Science Bulletin.2015.60(24):2107-2119
[3] Xie Can, Magnetosensory protein biological compass. [J] Nature - Materials. 2015.11
[4] Xie Can, Morritson, Xu Jingjing. Magnetic sensitivity of cryptochrome4 from amigratory songbird [J] Nature. 2021.6
(End of chapter)