Fang's mother asked Fang Ming to bring white flour steamed buns, and the mother and son came to Wang's house together.
The Wang family is having a meal, white flour steamed buns and vegetables brought back by Wang. There is still a plate of insect cakes. If you are not full, you will eat them with insect cakes.
Hearing someone knocking on the door, Mr. Wang asked who it was. After getting the answer, he went over to open the door.
"Sister-in-law, Xiao Ming, why are you here?" Big Wang let people into the house.
The Wang family was not big to begin with, with five people living there. Now two more people have come in, making it even more crowded.
Seeing that she had disturbed others' dinner, Fang's mother was very embarrassed, but she had already come, so she had better explain the matter clearly as soon as possible so as not to delay others' dinner.
"Xiao Ming and I are here to apologize."
"Apologise?" The Wang family looked at each other, all confused.
Fang’s mother turned to look at Fang Ming and motioned for him to speak.
Fang Ming bit his lip and lowered his head.
You can lie to yourself about some things as long as you don't tell them.
Once you really have to face it, shame will make you feel ashamed.
"I'm sorry." Fang Ming is a person who will work hard to do well when he makes up his mind. Now that he has arrived at Wang's house, there is no point in trying to hold on, "I shouldn't eavesdrop on Wang Xiaohui and Wang Xiaoci We should not contact Boss Shen behind your back."
The room was silent for a moment, and then Mr. Wang spoke.
“I knew this yesterday.”
As soon as he said this, Fang Ming suddenly raised his head and looked at Big Wang in disbelief.
Not only Wang Wang knew about it, but all the Wang family members also knew about it.
Shen Lu didn’t know that Fang Ming came to find her without telling the Wang family. Yesterday, she couldn’t hold it in anymore and asked Wang about the Fang family. During the conversation, she accidentally revealed that Fang Ming Came to see her.
When I first heard this, Mr. Wang was a little angry.
But soon he could only sigh.
Having been a neighbor for so many years, he still knew the character of the Fang family. Although Fang Ming's behavior was not aboveboard, it was understandable.
Big Wang asked Shen Lu how much scrap metal she would need to collect, so that she could have an idea.
Shen Lu didn’t give a specific number, only that it would take at least a year and a half.
After get off work yesterday, Mr. Wang told his family about this matter.
The Wang family and Wang Da all reacted, first angry, then sighing. Wang Xiaohui and Wang Xiaoci were angry for a longer time.
But then the elders talked about it and they accepted it.
Yes, children without a father have a miserable life.
Fortunately, they have a brother who has a good job, so they are more generous and don't care about Fang Ming, whose father just passed away.
A strong feeling of guilt hit Fang Ming's heart.
Before coming to Wang's house, he was still looking for all kinds of reasonable excuses for his dishonest behavior, but the other party already knew what he had done and didn't bother him.
He's really mean.
Fang Ming's eyes were moist and his shoulders were shaking because he was holding back his tears.
"I'm sorry." Fang Ming said with a heavy nasal voice, "Brother Wang, Grandma Wang, Aunt Wang, Xiaohui, Xiaoci, I'm really sorry. I know it's not good to do this, but I want to make money too much, I..."
No matter how many explanations there are, they are just excuses.
Especially to those who have helped me.
Fang Ming was extremely ashamed.
"When I first found out yesterday, I was really angry." Mr. Wang said calmly, "I hope you won't do this again in the future." "No, I will never do this again. "Fang Ming wiped the corner of his eyes, "I won't send scrap metal to Boss Shen."
"Let's keep it one by one. Shen Lu never said that this matter was exclusive to the Wang family, nor would he be so overbearing that he only allowed his own family to earn this money.
And judging from Shen Lu’s tone, she wanted quite a lot.
Wang Xiaoci and Wang Xiaohui are children after all, and the number they can pick up in a day is limited. A few more people can pick it up, and it won't delay Shen Lu's business.
The matter was settled in this way. Mother Fang felt that she was in the wrong and insisted on leaving the untouched steamed bun. She thanked her again and again before leaving with her son.
"Xiao Ming, mom will only allow you to do such a thing once." Mother Fang said word by word, "I don't care how chaotic the world is, but we must live aboveboard, otherwise we will end up like animals. There is no difference.”
“Yeah, I understand, Mom, I promise I will never make such a mistake again.”
This incident has deeply impressed Fang Ming. In his bones, and the Wang family also asked him to continue picking up garbage, he was full of energy and wanted to go to the garbage dump now.
The mother and son went home, shared the steamed buns, washed briefly and then went back to their rooms to sleep.
Early the next morning, Fang Ming went out with the insect cake in his mouth.
“Mom, I went to the garbage dump!”
“Be safe.”
“I know.”
Fang Ming had been picking up garbage at the garbage dump for two hours before Wang Xiaoci and Wang Xiaohui arrived late.
The Wang family does not rely on the two sisters to make a living by picking up garbage. It is more about the two sisters earning pocket money for themselves, so they usually don't set off until nine in the morning.
After crossing Ming Road, Fang Ming didn’t need to hide and tuck himself, he had a bag in his hand.
He didn’t have a cart, so he mainly looked for tungsten wire and copper blocks. The steel plates were large and heavy, so it was difficult for him to move them.
The three of them met in the west corner. They were stunned for a moment, and then Fang Ming took the lead in saying hello and walked over.
“These are for you.”
Fang Ming put all the things he picked up this morning on the Wang sisters’ car.
Wang Xiaoci raised her lips and wanted to say something to Fang Ming, but she was still a little angry.
But Wang Xiaohui had already pulled Fang Ming, "No, you can keep it for yourself."
"This is my apology." Fang Ming insisted, "Although I didn't intentionally steal it. I heard it, but I still did it wrong. I don’t have much money now. These are the only things I can use.”
The boy looked at the girls who were two years younger than him with a slight pleading, "We will still be good friends from now on, okay?"
Fang Ming has always had a good relationship with Wang Xiaoci and Wang Xiaohui. After all, Wang is older than his sister. They are much older and have to be busy making money to support the family, so they don’t have much time to play with them.
Fang Ming, who is about the same age, often plays with them. After playing a lot, the three children naturally have a good relationship.
Otherwise, Fang Ming would not have been able to hear the conversation between the two sisters. They did not speak loudly and could not be heard clearly unless they were standing right next to them.
Wang Xiaoci looked at him, "Looking at how sincere you are... Fang Ming, if you do this again in the future, Xiaohui and I will definitely ignore you."
Fang Ming raised his hand: "I promise, I will never do it again."
Wang Xiaohui tugged on Wang Xiaoci's sleeve: "I don't think he is lying."
Reconciliation between children has always been easy, not to mention that Fang Ming sincerely bowed his head and admitted his mistake, so Wang Xiaoci and Wang Xiaohui did not hold on to him.
Shen Lu knew nothing about the little commotion between the Fang family and the Wang family. After she collected the materials yesterday, she was immersed in cooking in the kitchen.
I often don't remember the price. If I find any discrepancy, I will change it. Don't mind, it won't affect the direction of the plot