Chapter 255! yes!

Chapter 255! yes!

The news that Meliati was preparing to raise troops in mid-February was sent out on February 8th.

This news was first transmitted to Rapid City by carrier pigeon, and Rapid City was transmitted to Fort Joan of Arc through the business network of the Megdi Chamber of Commerce.

The members of the Holy Fathers who were lurking in Fort Joan of Arc sent this news to the town of Mayo. They brought the news to Daze Township when they were smuggling lead ingots from the town of Mayo.

By the time it was passed to Horn, it would be February 14th, when the first phase of the uprising in North Mound County was basically over.

Sitting by the window of the military camp, Horn silently closed the new version of "Holy Word of Salvation".

In the center of the study, Armand stood in front of the desk and looked at Horn nervously, waiting for his order.

Putting the note on the table, Horn did not speak, but slowly walked to the window.

Different from mountainous areas, the swamp terrain here in Horn has heavy water content, so geothermal heat can escape more easily, and the snow has melted away.

Under the warm and humid sunshine, large and small square formations formed black chessboards, which were displayed on the training ground.

"Spread to the left!"

"The rows double and organize the formation."

In the officer's hoarse command, the array of four thousand war monks is constantly moving Exercise.

It was cold in spring, but the cold and wet wind could not blow into their thick woolen military uniforms.

After the scroll loom was put into production, more than 200 workers were quickly recruited. In the end, there was not enough cutting clothes and raw materials.

Today, there are 500 textile practitioners on Qiumu Island, and the maximum daily output can reach 80 sets of military uniforms. The supply of wool exceeds demand.

Unfortunately, the swamp is not a suitable terrain for raising sheep, so it was not until early February that a wave of wool was replenished through smuggling, and the gap in the last 300 sets of military uniforms was filled.

Neat and uniform clothing coupled with uniform movements, this discipline brings a sense of pride and belief that cannot be replaced by ordinary people.

In the military formation, the youngest division captain officer was shouting orders loudly.

When they shouted "One", the war monks all put the ends of their spears on the outside of their right feet, holding them vertically at about eye height, with their arms slightly bent and their right feet forward.

When they cry "Two," the War-Brothers lift the spear upright in front of the body with their right hand, then hold the spear at belt level with their left hand.

"Three! Four! Five!"

Every time the officer calls out a number, the war monks must perform the actions in the drill, no more, no less.

This ensures maximum standardization.

On the other side of the training ground, there is the drill of the holy gunners.

Under the command of the officers, the holy gunners lined up in a neat array.

The distance between the two Holy Gunslingers is about two arms. Just passing one Holy Gunslinger will not affect the shooting.

In the officer's command, the war monks continued to repeat the actions of preparation, aiming and launching from the team.

Under the impact of stone bullets, the wooden target in front continued to shake as if it had withstood a violent storm.

After the launch was completed, the Holy Gunner immediately turned around, walked through the channel formed by the shoulders to the end, and began to prepare and load the ammunition.

"Uh-" Beside them, Colebo led hundreds of extraordinary cuirassiers, constantly attacking the infantry.

This is to train the cavalry to dare to charge the infantry square, and it is also to train the infantry to dare to resist the charging cavalry.

According to the rules set by Horn, the infantrymen all held long sticks wrapped in soft cloth, and the cavalry rushed through the gap in the middle at full speed. Whoever dared first would lose, and three out of five rounds were won.

People often get injured during this kind of training, but even if they get injured, Horn still forces them to complete it.

It is better to be injured on the training ground than to die on the battlefield.

"Almost three months." Horn gently stroked the rough window sill, "I have been here for three months."

Arrived in Daze Township on November 20 last year , as of today, February 15, almost three months.

After previous continuous drills and actual combat against hairy zombies and giant spiders, these recruits finally looked good.

The Redeemer Chapter is an army the likes of which Miterne and Colebo have never seen.

Today, there are eight legions in the Salvation Chapter, namely two legions of the Guards and six legions of the Black Hats.

Each legion has 500 people, including 400 spearmen and 100 holy gunners.

The 400 pikemen were organized into 8 pike divisions, each pike division was subordinate to 5 pike brigades, and each pike brigade was subordinate to 10 command companies.

100 Holy Gunsmen are organized into 2 Holy Guns Divisions, each Holy Guns Division is subordinate to 5 Holy Guns Brigades, and each Lancer Brigade is subordinate to 10 Order Companies.

In this organization, starting from the division level, there are dedicated division captain officers, and the brigade commander is often a war monk concurrently.

Most of these officers were selected from the Old Guards and the Old Black Hats, and many of the new recruits were promoted to officers due to their outstanding performance.

In addition to this, there are 3 cavalry divisions composed of 150 cuirassiers commanded by Jeanne, and 1 half legion of skirmishers composed of 250 lycanthropic scouts.

In addition to field hospitals, car fort personnel and logistics personnel, the entire Salvation Corps has already reached 5,000 people.

With the supply of salt, protein and vitamins, Kolebo, an orthodox extraordinary knight, taught the breathing method. Starting from mid-January, the number of extraordinary spearmen increased explosively.

Today, the number of extraordinary spearmen has accounted for 35% of the spearmen.

As for the Holy Gunsmen, even if Horn stayed in the military camp every day, the proportion of Holy Beloveds would only account for 30% of the entire army, which could just meet the needs of the Cuirassiers and Holy Gunsmen.

As for the gap in wind-up guns, in fact, the last batch of 20 cavalry wind-up guns has just been filled today.

This time is just right.

And unlike the rest of the illiterate armies of this era, most War Monks were educated.

They can almost all add, subtract, multiply and divide within ten and talk about everything they see logically.

Able to understand instructions, able to clarify situations, and after being trained by priests of the Holy Father Church, able to understand some things.

In this way, we should be able to defeat the Imperial Company, right?

“Three months have come.”

Horn murmured in a low voice, turned to Armand and said, “Let the cardinal and the senators come to the military camp before dinner. Come, hold a temporary imperial meeting.”

(End of this chapter)

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