Chapter 323 Gate of Life (Thanks to the leader of Book Friends [Final Battle]!!!)
The way to the underground bunker is not difficult to find, just follow the monster's path of destruction and go back.
The convoy's advance had to be slowed down as buildings collapsed and many were still burning.
They received few attacks, and there seemed to be no demons left in the destroyed areas, only cultists, and some scattered cultists.
Where did they go?
He remembered not too long ago, the silhouettes of monsters silhouetted against the muzzle flashes and dancing flames - abominations that took pleasure in their prey.
Now I can’t see any of them.
The road to the destination is clear, and the shattered cultists trying to escape the battlefield and the raging terror encounter the convoy on the narrow road.
People screamed, argued, and tore each other to pieces.
“Clear a path!”
Yarrick ordered, aiming the heavy bomb forward.
Then, the Chimera's rapid-fire cannons began to violently bombard the thugs, while behind them, the other two Chimeras moved to both sides and burned these people to death with laser fire.
This path among the ruins leads to the threshold of a charred morgue.
The chimeras roared over the corpses and crawling survivors, and Arric could feel the vibration and rustle of tracks hitting bones, and he also heard crackles and screams.
The dying wretch's voice gave him a feeling of relief, an emotion that was neither anger nor victory, nor contempt nor hatred, but something he dared not say.
The strong wind responded with laughter, and that endless laughter was the laughter that had triumphantly conquered the world.
Along the way, Yarrick killed anything he saw emerging from the wreckage.
His army followed his example and fired into the darkness.
As we got closer to the target, there were more and more unarmed people on the street, but Yarick opened fire on them without any scruples.
At this moment, his heart was completely numb. In his eyes, people were no longer divided into men, women, old and young, only those who were dead and those who were about to die.
Although Yarrick's troops suffered heavy losses, they still passed through a large area of death.
After arriving at his destination, he asked someone to stop at the foundation of the cathedral, climbed out of the car, and approached the huge gap.
In fact, he had already guessed what he would see.
The pit is so deep that the cathedral’s support columns remain inside, like broken teeth.
The stairs spiraled in from nowhere and went down to the rubble-filled hall. Thousands of charred corpses lay in the rubble. There are some rules for putting.
These scenes made Yarick feel even more painful. He instinctively averted his eyes and did not intend to understand the meaning.
The surrounding facilities had long been destroyed, the iron door was also damaged, and thick smoke came out of the door, so Yarrick took his people down the stairs.
It was a long climb, but they were going faster than expected.
The staircase is spiral-shaped, five meters wide, and goes down from the inside of the outer wall.
The inner wall on the right is a smooth rock building with some past tapestries hanging on the wall and arched doorways on each floor. Floor
The curve of the ladder meant that Alex could only see a short distance ahead, and driven by the singing, he gave up caution.
Singing could be heard at first coming from the lowest staircase, but soon it was no longer audible.
The song retreated much faster than he advanced.
However, there are still some fallen ones here.
Civilians and priests seeking refuge hid here. Although they showed no hostility at first, in Yarrick's eyes, these people were now corrupted. Their faith has been replaced by their fear, and they have become apostles of the source of fear.
But as the soldiers began shooting into the crowd, the men began to cry and scream.
A few began to fight back.
Most of these people's weapons are homemade, and the number is not small, but they have no combat training.
They fell upon Yarrick and his troops, screaming and firing in panic.
Killing them is easy and brutally satisfying.
Yarek's pistol fired leaving the stench of burnt flesh, and the soldiers built a wall on the stairs, angrily firing their laser guns.
Although they also panic, their accuracy is much higher.
Aruihe took the lead with righteous fury. He rushed up and down the stairs and annihilated those fallen ones.
He kept firing and thrust his sword into the howling faces of the pagans. He was so murderous that he slit his throat with enough force to decapitate, and almost cut his enemy into pieces with one blow. Two halves.
Soon, the political commissar's coat was covered in blood, and the blood on his skin made him feel good.
It tastes good, warm and salty.
If possible, he would like to destroy these poor creatures with more violence.
They deserve more cruel retribution, and they must pay more for their betrayal.
Every dismemberment and every blackened face here is proof of their sin.
Yarrick does not see himself as being intoxicated with bloody joy, he sees it as the experience of justice being served.
In front of a queue of hundreds of people, he was the first to reach the bottom level.
At the end of the stairs is a hall, which seems to have been a place to receive guests. For visitors, it is a huge space with a large number of famous paintings and tapestries, where they can gather together and While waiting, behold the glory of the Emperor and be humbled.
There is a wall in front that separates the front hall from the space behind. The front hall is full of corpses of the slaughtered honor guard.
Yarrick glanced at the dead man's face, then turned away.
Their expressions were one of intense fear, and then he stared straight ahead, running and firing, behind the door.
But what greeted him was a crazy scene, and the political commissar couldn't help but stand unsteadily.
One hundred sixty-six girls, their limbs cut off, surrounded by a metal pillar covered with runes, sewn together, their ears and eyes were blocked, the only free mouth was still there Keep singing.
At the top of the metal column, a giant purple eye is staring in the direction of the cathedral.
Yarrick immediately realized from the tremendous pressure around him that these girls were probably illegal psykers.
But why are there so many psykers in Valedo?
This problem may only be known to the owner of this place, the former archbishop, but now, they have become the source of demonic power.
If you were an ordinary person, you might have sunk here long ago.
But Yarick's anger and faith allowed him to stay rational. Although he didn't know where to attack first, he knew that the source must be in the room.
"The Emperor bless..."
Slowly, his hand touched the grenade on his waist——
More updates tomorrow! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)