Chapter 391: Die Together
When Talos returned to the bridge, the Cursed Echo was struggling to move under the gravity of the planet and the firepower of distant alien warships. Various ammunition hit the void shield and sent out brilliant ripples.
It did not avoid any attacks. Without slowing down or turning, the Cursed Echo flew out of the high orbit of Nathan VI like a runaway wild horse. Every cannon and spine on both sides of the body swayed forward, preparing for the last time. Yelled angrily.
Talos sat on the throne and watched indifferently.
All command staff, all humans, are almost silent in their concentration.
Servants forwarded printed reports, several of them slowly spitting out rolls of inked parchment from their dentures.
The prophet's eyes never leave the eyeball monitor.
The alien fleet is waiting. He saw them moving through the void on the drifts of the warp, in sickening harmony, their glowing solar sails tilted to catch the faint rays of the distant sun.
"Report from all areas."
In response from every part of the command deck, shouts of "Okay" and "Ready" were shouted back in an orderly rhyme , in Dietrian’s words, everything is ready.
But apart from waiting, there is actually nothing Talos can do now.
"The alien fleet is preparing to intercept."
He could see clearly that the smaller ships, shaped like bones, were planning to go to the orbital station for cover.
And the larger cruiser moved at the same breakneck speed, advancing in flowing arcs, sails heeling.
He didn't like the way they moved.
Not only because its agility far exceeds human capabilities, but also because it is impossible for the Cursed Echo to repeatedly surpass this fleet. The aliens make this fleet seem smarter than humans.
“Fifty-five seconds, Master.”
Talos leaned back on the throne, knowing full well that he might never leave this deck alive.
Running to the orbital station may seem like the hardest part, but slaughtering those alien wretches on the deck of the Cursed Echo is a joy in comparison.
“Forty seconds.”
"All targets marked and locked!"
The officer in charge of the weapons array shouted:
"We need a full minute without interruption to unleash the first wave without interruption. Attack! ."
"You can do it, sir, tell me how many targets this will hit?"
Taros asked with great patience.
"The Eldar fleet's actions are too weird. If they have been following us for side attacks, there will be about 15 targets."
Talos's lips twitched behind his visor, not exactly a smile.
Fire 15 targets in one salvo and he will miss the ship.
The Cursed Echo is the Blood Covenant's beautiful twin sister, and it would be rude if he still cared about the armament improvements the Red Corsairs had made in the century they had occupied her.
“Thirty seconds!”
"Initiate a ship-wide communication for me."
"It's done, Master."
Taros took a deep breath, knowing that his words were heard by thousands of slaves, The mutants and slaves heard it and were sweating below decks.
“I am the captain, Talos Valcolan, and a descendant of the Eighth Legion. I grew up in a world without the sun, just like all of you... Now an unparalleled storm is heading towards us. Incoming, survival depends on your blood and sweat, no matter what deck you toil on, every life counts in the next few minutes, all crew, all souls prepare to fight."
"Twenty. Seconds, Master.”
"Turn on 'Scream'."
"Yes, Master."
"Fire one shot as planned first, and then fire at will."
"Yes, Master." ”
The Echo of the Curse, with all its power, spewed a trail of plasma fire, circling in a semicircle under the gravity of the orbit with almost panache in their destructive heat.
The Eldar warships continued to approach, their initial dives less graceful than their previous void dances, for their prey was playing a different game.
The Eldar ships were ready to engage, setting ambush on clearer routes as they found themselves inadvertently straying away from their fleeing prey. "Did the screaming work?"
Taros asked. He could see several alien spacecraft quickly turning around and adjusting their attack routes - this was obvious.
The officers stared down at their consoles, no one more keenly than the man stationed in front of the Oriostat projector.
"The Eldar fleet is working hard to change our trajectory, and several cruisers have deviated from the interception route."
"It worked."
Talos still sat on the throne, resisting the attack. The desire to pace the deck.
The roar of cannon and the thump of small rocks against the void shield rocked the ship.
“We avoided almost half of the enemy fire.”
In the viewfinder, the alien ship was elongated—all smooth bones and gleaming sails.
He suspected that the distant sun was causing the Eldar warships to lack the heat needed for their solar sails and make them sluggish, but he had little understanding of the xenoship's capabilities and it was all speculation.
"The alien vanguard ship has entered the maximum weapons range!"
When the officers shouted, Talos also thought of his brothers, who should be sitting in the airdrop pod now, Thunderhawks were also waiting at the landing site.
On the eyeball display, the coin-sized orbital station has doubled in size, and the busy attendants at their respective positions will also chatter about the incoming warheads.
"It's time to launch the drop pod and order the Thunderhawk to set off immediately."
"Yes, Master."
As the Cursed Echo swoops down, its belly rains down on the world below. The next piece of shiny "seed".
This process did not last long.
shouted an auspicious operator.
"Alien torpedoes scanned! They can resist our interference."
"Even in the face of screams?"
Taros knows about Dietrian's machine It was calibrated to Imperial technology, but even so, he still hoped it would be of some use to the Eldar.
“Some lost their way, others self-destructed in the middle, but a third are still flying towards us.”
"The first one will arrive in ten seconds."
"All attention, prepare for impact."
Soon, the rattle of the hull It turned into trembling, and the trembling immediately turned into violent shaking.
Talos felt a new, unwelcome uneasiness creeping up his spine.
I don’t know when it started, but his preview hasn’t appeared for a long time.
"The shield has been weakened."
An officer was chirping at the console.
"Two-thirds of the energy supply."
Taros did not respond. When the cries around him became louder and louder, he also stared at the iron-gray metal structure in the eyeball monitor. The body is getting bigger and bigger.
"Come on."
He muttered.
“Damn fate, come on.”
The story line of Broken Eagle is basically over...
(End of this chapter)