Chapter 520 Unexpected Interlude
As soon as the meeting of the Suffering Alliance ended, an accident happened.
Before Soshyan could contact him, the Mechanicus organizations from the three forge worlds in the Storm Star Territory suddenly came after smelling the "smell".
Because I don’t know when a rumor appeared. In the star fort captured by the Suffering Alliance, there was a technological product from the dark age, and it was extremely valuable.
So one month after the Star Castle was towed back to the orbit of Nessen 4, representatives from the forge world Griffin 4, Grea, and Zhao-Akada all came to Nessun 4. They They all asked to see the legendary "black technology".
But Soshyan was in trouble.
He didn't know who spread this rumor, but there was no doubt that the intention was extremely sinister, and he might even be looking for the key fragment of the Book of All Secrets.
And the people who spread the rumors are very smart. If they directly say that there are key fragments of the Book of All Machines, they will probably be regarded as nonsense and not be taken seriously. But if they say that there is black technology, then the Mechanic Cult Most of them believed it.
After all, there is precedent for this kind of thing, and there are many examples.
But the question is where does Soshyan have this thing?
But the more he explained, the less convinced the Mechanicus cultists were. Representatives of Griffin IV even directly accused Soshyan of not telling the truth, because his emotion sensing instrument scanned Soshyan's brainwaves, which were obviously abnormal. is lying.
Knowing that the other party was actually scanning him, Suoshiyang was so angry that he almost threw the guy into space - he might have done it if Sol hadn't stopped him.
After being stalked by the Mechanicus cultists for several days, Soshyan had no choice but to take out several of Dietrian's inventions and pretend to be "black technology" in the Star Castle. .
When the representatives of the Mechanicus saw that it was a piece of technological heresy, their interest immediately dropped, but they still checked it carefully and determined that some of it did belong to some unique technology.
But out of principle, it is impossible for them to recycle the heretical technology, as that will only give people clues, and they can only urge Soshyan to destroy those heretical technologies.
But since he had come, Soshyan would not let go of this opportunity, and he informed the three forging worlds of his ideas.
Signing a contract with a Space Marine Alliance attracted their attention again.
However, because the matter involved a lot and their authority was not high enough, they could only send the news back to the headquarters and wait for the sages' decision or a higher-level envoy to come to discuss it.
But while waiting, there was a small episode.
Zhao Akada's representatives secretly found Soshi Yang, hoping to recover the core technology of those "slightly heretical" cores.
Although Soshiyang was a little surprised, he did not accuse the other party out of the so-called sense of justice. After all, everyone knew some things well. It is difficult for a truly upright forging world to survive until now. Every company has several shady housekeepers. ability.
But he also made his own demands.
The machine soul of the Star Castle is being purified, but the main control system and the cogitator array need to be replaced. He hopes that Zhao Akada can help restore this part.
Zhao Akada’s representative immediately agreed to the request and informed Soshyan that professional personnel and supplies would arrive soon. Although he didn't know who the professional the other party was talking about, Soshyan was still looking forward to it, because the technology priests he had on hand were not the most professional in the field of meditators. Most of them were biased towards various combat systems.
However, what he could not guess was that the one who was about to arrive was——
“Damn, I feel like I’m going to turn into a moldy bread machine.”
Six people wrapped in The Adeptus Mechanicum apologists in faded, ragged rust-red robes stood motionless before her, like the sages in the vast scribal hall of the Technical Archives looking down at the thousands of scribes below. Like a statue.
Their iron boots were locked securely into containment slots on the starship deck, and she had to hold on to a metal support to avoid banging her head against the ship or falling on the starship. The ship fell to the ground as it took off.
The interior space of the starship is simple and unpretentious, enhancing practicality as much as possible. Its design does not contain any unnecessary decoration or aesthetic elements to please the eyes, perfectly showing the one where it belongs. Characteristics of the organization.
Ada Lovelace ran a hand through her cropped blond hair, the dirt and grease clinging to it making her long for her weekly bath in the sink stall.
However, she had a feeling that the cleanliness she longed for was the furthest thing from the minds of those apologists.
When they brought her out of the cell beneath the library, not one of them said another word except to confirm her name.
As for the reason for her imprisonment, it was because her superiors discovered that she had improved the inner workings of the cogitator computer, and then the technical director heard a violent and angry noise of brain static coming from the speakers. , dragging Lovelace from the work line.
Being locked in total darkness for seven days almost broke her.
She remembered how she had cringed when the cell door finally opened and the Guardians' bronze death masks, their gleaming staffs in their hands, and the unforgiving look in their eyes had appeared before her. A ball.
Her blurted protest at their sudden intrusion ceased immediately after the Apologists invited the Tech Director to scan the biometric security codes stored in their staffs.
She was very afraid of these guardians. Later she felt that she should be afraid of them. Their master specially designed them to look like this: enlarged size, limbs transformed into weapons and bronze skull masks. A green light flashed behind him, his eyes unblinking.
After a while, she was pulled out of the cell and dragged through the echoing scriptorium that she had been working in for the past few years.
Thousands of burqa-clad scribes, draftsmen, administrators and form stampers filled the scriptorium.
As she was led to the archway that led to the world beyond, she realized that she would be sad to be separated from the knowledge here.
She will not miss the people here, because she has no friends or colleagues here.
None of the pale-skinned journeymen looked up from their monotonous tasks, the sea-green glow of their brooding computers and the ball-shaped lights floating in the dusty air The flickering light emitted covered their haggard and lifeless faces.
Such a state of affairs was simply unheard of for Ada Lovelace, who was always amazed that her fellow scribes had no idea of the honorable work they performed.
(End of this chapter)