Chapter 955 Operation Blood Eagle
According to the formulated tactics, all Astartes Chapters mobilized to save the explorer fortresses that had been besieged for a long time. The operation was codenamed "Blood Eagle".
According to the latest reconnaissance results, there are 4 fortresses in the northern part of the main continent of Pai Shang that have not yet fallen, and they are marked as fortresses 1-4 respectively, while there are 3 fortresses in the southern coastal area of the mainland that have survived, and they have been designated as fortresses 1-4. Marked as Nos. 5-7, and on the subcontinent and a larger island, there are three fortresses that survived, marked as Nos. 8-10. These three fortresses were only sporadic attacks because they were relatively remote.
After simple allocation, the Dark Angels are responsible for 4 fortresses in the north, the Astral Knights are responsible for 3 fortresses on the southern coast, the White Templars are responsible for 3 overseas fortresses, and the Gray Knights are on standby to deal with emergencies at any time.
According to the plan, they will give priority to rescuing the residents in the fortress. Due to the violent activity in the atmosphere of the planet, large transport ships cannot pass through, so they can only use small transport vehicles and local floating barges. The efficiency will undoubtedly be reduced a lot.
But if you want to attract the Black Legion, you must do this.
Hao Mo quickly ran to the ordnance deck of the ship. He fastened his helmet and relaxed his body. As a new round of orbital bombing began, he could already feel the rhythmic sound of the ship's cannons coming from under his feet. rumbled across the deck.
As the assault capsule was sealed in the launch tube like a large torpedo, the thick steel hatch closed in the huge landing capsule. Only one drop capsule was still on the loading bracket, the last one on the left Balanced on top of a launch tube.
Only one hatch was still open, and red light poured down from the cocoon-like airborne capsule inside.
There was an artillery officer waiting for Haomo in the open bilge, they followed him up the ramp, made sure he was strapped into the descent harness, and installed a series of data cables to make sure he was connected Plug safety for helmets and generators.
They completed their mission in just a few seconds and left the assault module without a word.
The readings flashed coldly on the lenses on the helmet, and the red and blue icons shone with the light of life, reflecting against the curves of the planet.
At first, he struggled to understand the torrent of information, but after a few seconds, he grew tired of it.
As soon as the ramp was sealed, the entire airborne capsule made a harsh bump and landed into its launch tube.
Suddenly, Oscar's rough voice echoed on the team's channel.
"Boys, this is your first airborne mission, so don't wet your pants."
In this operation, except for the batch that is still undergoing transformation, all the new recruits of the Astral Knights participated. , a total of forty-five people.
Hao Mo, Oscar and the returning Robin each led a team of 15 people. Zod was acting as deputy to Oscar due to personal reasons. The reason why Soshyan arranged a team of 15 people for the recruit company instead of The regular 10-man army is also because the new recruits are not as cooperative as the veterans and need more firepower support on the frontal battlefield.
“Come on, Oscar, you threw up the first time you sat in the airborne pod.”
With a loud noise, the airborne pod jolted to a stop, followed by the sealed cabin overhead. The door banged.
"All the little guys under you had better prepare a vomit bag."
A burst of laughter spread through the channel, Hao Mo smiled and glanced at the status meter.
All 15 recruits showed green, which was in line with his expectations.
Oscar prepared to roar a retort, but was interrupted by the priority signal from the command channel.
"Tenth Company Airborne Troops, I am Fleet Commander Lothar."
The voice of the Fleet Lord accessed the channel. "You're 30 seconds away from orbit—"
A hollow rumble echoed across the battle barge's hull, and the signal turned to piercing static for a second.
"—Now in contact with troops on the ground, now loading new drop coordinates and tactical data onto your data pad. Prepare for action."
A few seconds later, the squad The state map disappeared, replaced by a detailed map of a small, scarred fortress city and a vast outlying area.
The fortress, labeled number 6 in the picture, sits on the shores of a restless gray sea, with mountains stretching for tens of kilometers north and south along the coast.
20 kilometers east of the fortress, there is a desolate plain composed of black rocks and red oxide. On the edge of the great plain, the dirty swamps and jungles are like another ocean. This plain Separate cruel barbarism from the orderly life of human civilization.
But now, Fortress No. 6 is under attack by the enemy. The main force should be cultists mixed with a small number of Chaos Space Marines.
Hao Mo wrote it all down, using his keen mind to write down every detail.
The icons flash with the light of life: blue represents the defenders, red represents the enemy.
It only took a moment for Haoma to realize that the situation on the ground was indeed critical.
Although the Chaos forces have suffered a long period of orbital bombardment in the past few hours, there is no doubt that the traitors' main method of maneuver is through underground passages. Therefore, it is difficult for orbital bombardment to accurately locate their general direction. It can temporarily curb their offensive, but as the distance between the enemy's front and the fortress gradually shrinks, orbital bombing is no longer effective - because the distance is already difficult to avoid accidental damage.
Currently the enemy has successfully breached a stronghold at the southern entrance of the fortress. There is currently no data on the enemy's strength inside the stronghold. The blue mark is traveling south and east along the railway track, trying to attack from the flank. rebels and drive them out of their stronghold.
This was a brave attempt, but the enemy had already blocked the defenders' counterattack on a rugged front.
“Ten seconds left before entering orbit.”
Glowing blue circles appear on the tactical map, showing the landing zone for the drop.
The three squads would land in a foothill at the southern end of the fortress, about two kilometers from the rebel-held stronghold. From there the strategy would be obvious: the Astartes would push north, attacking from another While attacking the rebels, cutting off the passage to the fortress, completely cutting off the enemy's attack route.
And the high ground in the southern stronghold of the fortress will provide excellent firepower and sufficient cover, allowing them to attack the enemy at will.
"Five seconds., begin descent sequence."
The assault module's onboard generator started up after launch, and a flash on the data board indicated recovery. status, the attitude thrusters are activated, correcting the capsule's roll in the atmosphere.
It quivered like a toy in a giant's rough hands.
Twisted air roared past the drop pod's stabilizers, but the dizzying spiral eventually stopped.
A yellow circle danced on the tactical map. Hao Mo frowned. The airborne trajectory still deviated. Now they may be very close to the enemy - probably less than one kilometer.
This complicates things.
(End of this chapter)