Teacher Wang: "Let's understand, young people, your equipment is good. You came in from the outside, but you have no bags or boxes, which means you have no food. Yes, it is easy to find supplies now. If you walk along the street and open every door or break the window, you can find a place to sleep tonight and find some food. But what happens next? If I don't give you food and drink, how can you rebel? The end is coming. Wake up, there is a way out if you follow Teacher Wang. Those who believe in Teacher Wang will have eternal life."
Johnny: "Why can I get eternal life by following you?"
Teacher Wang: "Me. I will give you a woman, right? Women are the only condition for a man to live forever, but the young girl you brought will be kept as a hostage for me."
His eyes looked at Ye Lin again, already. Blocked by Zheng Fu and Lu Dazhi.
Teacher Wang is quite satisfied: "Judging from your nervousness, this is a good girl."
Yue Feng: "Do you have any misunderstanding about good girls?"
Gu Sheng raised his voice: "Brother, have you finished talking nonsense?"
Teacher Wang: "No, no, talk about it Girls are not nonsense now. The girl you protect must be very beautiful if she is dressed beautifully. This is a topic worth talking about. You can negotiate terms with me. Of course, please don’t forget that there are guns pointing at you all around. "< br>
Johnny: "Okay, we understand the situation almost, we need to make a decision."
Teacher Wang: "Please, number up to ten."
Johnny: "Too many, one, two, three"
He and Gu Sheng drew their guns together, the gunshots were loud, and lightning was fired. Half a minute passed, and there were only two kinds of people around, one lying down or the other. Kneel down, a kind of falling to the ground and dying.
"Boom, boom, boom"
When the robots heard the gunfire, they all ran in, growing bigger and bigger in Teacher Wang's desperate eyes.
Then, he saw a pair of pink boots stained with snow approaching. He was lifted up, and a pair of bright black eyes appeared in front of him.
Ye Lin: "Do you have any misunderstanding about good girls?"
Punched Teacher Wang in the face.
Teacher Wang: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I am willing to give you food and water."
Ye Lin: "Do you have any misunderstanding about our abilities?"
Punched again, Teacher Wang’s face was covered with blood.
Ye Lin turned around and hit Teacher Wang on the ground again.
Zheng Fu and Lu Dazhi looked seriously.
Gu Yi: "Were you scared when you heard the gunfire? Why didn't you go help."
Zheng Fu: "No, I stood very straight and my legs didn't shake. My My heart is full of joy.”
Lu Dazhi: “I forgive the little boy who bit me on the sixth floor. He is no match for me.”
Zheng Fu: "I forgive the old lady on the sixth floor wielding a kitchen knife. She is no match for me."
After saying that, he gave Gu Yi a meaningful look.
Gu Yi was furious: "Who is it? Brother Shan, help me get some more certificates, men's certificates!"
Shan: "Another day, I'm busy taking over surveillance, girl , the embarrassing scene happened again.”
Ye Lin: “How many men and women were insulted?”
Gu Yi was shocked: "You call this an embarrassing scene?"
Shan: "Do you mean a sex scene?"
Gu Sheng: "Brother, shut up. Don't you say it's just a sex scene?" Embarrassing, it will only become more embarrassing after you say it."
Gu Yi: "But why do you call your Majesty, there are no other men here?"
Shan: "Like you?"
< br>
Gu Yi: "Like me."
Johnny: "Those who usurp the throne are shameful."
Someone heard the sound and came down. Wu Ximobai fired and checked the first floor, the material warehouse. and staff quarters. Someone heard the sound and came down from the second floor. Gu Sheng shot alone to break the barrier. Wu Xi, who was carrying a bullet bag, was responsible for delivering the bullets. Check out the second floor, material warehouse and personnel dormitories.
The people on the third floor surrendered directly and opened the four large classrooms. The woman in the first classroom was well-dressed and posing. The woman in the second classroom was dressed in ordinary clothes. She was relatively calm when someone broke in, and her expression was numb with acceptance.
The third classroom can be called the torture chamber, with dozens of women huddled together in bloody flesh.
Ye Lin: "Butler, take all the robots and move the heavy trucks here. We are in urgent need of doctors."
Mo Bai: "Take me, I can drive a car over. "
Ye Lin: "No, robots can climb over walls with cars on their backs. They are faster. There are demons here, so everyone should be vigilant."
Gu Sheng: "Old Wu Xiao. Mo, let’s search upstairs.”
The fourth classroom was covered in blood, and there was also splatter on the walls. Seven of the eight women were dead, and one was in critical condition, lying in a pool of blood and gasping softly.
Gu Yi was angry: "A natural disaster does not mean the end of the world. Is the grandson surnamed Wang crazy?"
Ye Lin: "As long as people have a way out, there will be no end of the world. It’s not the end. The grandson named Wang has gone crazy.”
She walked over and squatted down, feeling the crazy passing of life without checking.
Ye Lin held her hand and held back tears in the cold: "Can you hear me? We are here to save you. Hold on, the doctor will be here."
"I can see and hear. I can't."
Zheng Fu: "I'm going to find some hot water."
Ye Lin: "I can't decide until the doctor sees it. To eat, now we need to call on her will to survive, which is the most precious natural wealth of mankind."
Ye Lin: "Listen, the doctor will be here soon, hold on, we have enough medicine, we can do it. For any surgery, you just need to believe that you can survive. If you survive, you can have beautiful clothes, go shopping with your family and friends, and sit in the sun and drink a cup of milk tea. Now you just need to believe."
"Wow. "With a sound, the window glass shattered, and the heavy truck compartment appeared outside the building.
The robots not only moved the car, but also raised it to the third floor.
After the car door opened, the doctors and nurses who were ready jumped out and started first aid, but they quickly shook their heads and silently told Ye Lin that she could not survive.
Ye Lin had also been mentally prepared for the loss of too much blood and not replenishing it in time, which would cause internal organ failure.
Just like flowers at home, they can survive without water for two days and then replenish water. If the water is cut off for too long, the roots will be damaged, and they will wither if water is replenished.
Ye Lin gestured to continue first aid.
But she did not let go of the woman's hand and continued to speak: "When you get better, what do you want and where do you want to go?"
Woman: "These beasts, I cut my face and resisted, they My whole face was scratched. I want to repair my face. You are a girl. Can you lend me some cosmetics? I want to walk away beautifully.”
Ye Lin: “I’ll get it.”
Yue Feng stepped forward, took the woman's hand and held it in his.
Ye Lin: "Shan, help me find nearby warehouses and stores with cosmetics. Johnny, will you accompany me?"
Qiongni: "Okay."
Shan: "Go out the back door on the first floor, turn left out of the school gate, and there is a shop."
Yelin Qiongni walked down.
Gu Sheng signaled Wu Ximobai to continue searching. He opened the classroom window on the fifth floor and pointed his gun down.
This is where the back door goes out. There are demons like Teacher Wang living in the building. Gu Sheng will not be careless.
Then he saw the flying snow, the flying snow blowing, the flying snow.
Ye Lin's voice came from the communicator: "Thank you, the hot water is ready. Please just ask the nurse sister to stay and help me. Look at us I also found beautiful clothes.”
See you tomorrow.
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