Chapter 238 Inhuman Person

It can be said without much humility that Kraft rarely feels that he will encounter surprises in close combat. Of course, this range does not include certain things with significant differences in physical fitness.

Except for unconventional means, he is also one of the practical combatants who has rich experience and has his own understanding - the possibility of illusions caused by over-activating the spiritual senses cannot be ruled out.

Judging the opponent's general posture state and predicting the next move based on partial movements has formed a complex and advanced conditioned reflex system for people with sufficient knowledge and reaction capabilities.

This is what Kraft relies on to dare to get close and try to control the opponent. Based on the opponent's previous performance, calling it an over-the-top move would be too flattering.

Similar to the stereotypes generated by previous contacts, people who are able to create unnatural phenomena through various means often appear to be so dependent on this ability that they ignore more practical things - such as tripping more horses. The crossbow may not be less deadly than this, for example, the "magic" is not as good as the old fist at close range.

But precisely because of this, after noticing some movements that were neither in line with combat experience nor anatomy, Kraft's first reaction was to let go.

Strangeness means danger and the possibility of paying a price for new experiences.

When I hold that arm, I feel that it is thin and slender, like a person who is extremely malnourished. There is no subcutaneous fat that can be touched. It seems that all the energy storage materials have been used for other purposes and have been burned out in a literal sense.

At first Kraft thought he was grabbing the forearm because more than one bone, roughly the ulna and radius, rotated in parallel in the muscle bundle.

He was ready to pull the elbow joint out of position, but the rotation seemed to be far from reaching the limit. He continued to twist half a circle too flexibly, exceeding the limit of mobility. Then, there was an incredible curvature between the elbow joint and the wrist joint, where it was impossible to bend without a complete fracture.

This makes the body image unimaginable, deviating from the appearance conceived in the mind, showing a twisted posture that is almost like the movement of a multi-jointed creature.

The unexpected attack fell on the spine of the sword that was hastily raised to block. The force was not small, but it was not small. What was really fatal was the short-hand blade that crossed the defense due to the abnormal curvature of the body and scratched the side of the neck.

It's probably a dagger, short sword or something like that. After all, it's hard to say whether a long weapon is an advantage or a burden for people without training.

The temporary freedom from the restraints should have given the other party confidence. He raised the empty dagger again and swung it in front of him, hoping to completely remove this biggest obstacle on the way to escape.


Craft made an evaluation in his mind, immediately adjusted his mentality, gave up the plan of "complete" preservation, and swung his sword to face the attack.

Since the posture cannot be predicted, treat it as an arm with no angle limit, respond to whip attacks, avoid the front as much as possible, and leave the blade to the fan-shaped trajectory of the swing.

Then, the guy relying on the physiological advantage will bump into him.

It was a very uncomfortable force. The force only "hanged" on the blade a moment after the contact, and the cutting direction was therefore incorrect. But it was enough. Tissues that were far from exceeding the limitations of the human body in terms of strength were separated in front of the steel.

It was a deep enough incision, and half of the muscles were severed. The limb was first deflected to the healthy side under the unbalanced pull of the intact part, and twisted away from Kraft. Then the pain burst out later, stripping away the possibility of exerting force. .

Not everyone can tolerate this level of pain, so he reacted in a reasonable but fatal manner - venting his pain by shouting loudly, and dropped the weapon he was holding to an unknown place.

When he realized that he had actually bought enough time to use that fatal "spell" again, he saw the last scene of the night through the gradually brightening dim light.

The long sword was stained with mud and blood, and only the cutting light from the repeated swings of the blade could be discerned.

A line of sharp reflection illuminated the passing scenery. The eyes were sunken due to photophobia, the cheeks were sunken and wrinkled, and the clothes on his right shoulder were torn, revealing a gaunt, thin and multi-ribbed body, like a snake. An unusually smooth superficial wound that was still oozing blood extended from his right arm to his chest.

He raised his hand in an attempt to resist the inhuman-like thing reflected on the blade, more than fearing the blade itself.

The thing also raised its rugged upper limbs, and one of its long palms was inlaid with a stone luminous body.

The dying voice of "no", the unfinished last words, and the complex emotions of doubt, unwillingness, and pain come to an end. Perhaps these are the most human parts of the performance.

The steel sword neatly cuts off the main transport channel supplying the thinking organ.

In the open and hanging palms, the dark light was extinguished with consciousness, and an insignificant weed was broken at the waist and swept away.

The "spell" is still partially completed, but fortunately no one can control it.

Following the slash, Kraft reversed and sliced ​​open the opponent's wrist, then stabbed the fallen body and nailed it to the ground.

After taking a few deep breaths, he confirmed that there was no suspicious struggle along the sword, and he could declare the other party completely dead in the medical sense.

The man at the center of the attack, the man responsible for the martyrdom of several Inquisition monks, has fallen.

But it's not over yet.

Slowly pulling out the sword, Kraft simply identified the direction from which the sound of fighting was still coming, and rushed to the broken battlefield scattered among the tall grass.

The extremely low visibility conditions fragmented the battle into irrelevant pieces.

There were signs that there were guards around the guy who had just died by the sword. The fact was that they got separated in the chaos and got into a fight with the monks who came over.

The monks' side was superior in terms of quality and equipment. Even if they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, they could barely hold on. The result was that it was not until Kraft arrived that the battle was decided.

The biggest remaining difficulty became how to find everyone.

This took far longer than the battle itself. No one even knew how many living people there were on their own side scattered in this bad rainy night, nor how many people there were on the other side.

The only thing I know is that when everything came to an end and no more attackers could be found to stand, the rain had slowly subsided.

The damp slow wind flowed around, making it so sticky that I couldn't breathe.

They gathered six people together and found one who was still breathing next to the horse that had been hit by an arrow and fell to the ground.

This unfortunate, or rather lucky, guy didn't have time to dismount, his leg was pinned down, his lower limbs were suspected to be fractured, and he may have suffered a brain injury from the fall, and he lost consciousness without saying a word.

Therefore, no one noticed this side and let him lie there from the beginning to the end.

Several people worked together to move the horse away, and Craft made a temporary fixation for him using local materials and two sword scabbards as splints. For the time being, the conditions are limited to this, and further processing will provide a safe environment.

Then a problem arises.

The horses died and fled, and there were only two left. They were trapped in this embarrassing place with no village in front of them and no store in the back. I'm afraid they won't be able to return to Dunling tonight.

"We have to return to Hego Manor. At least I can deal with him there." Kraft wanted to wipe some water on his face, but he put down his hand after thinking that there was no clean part of his body.

"By the way, take the body back. Our people... and that one may make it easier for Green to explain and gain more support."

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