The fifth game [e-sports]

Author:There are immortal works
Category:Romance Novels
2 people read
Last Updated:01/13/2025


预收文《万人迷单刷世界boss》文案如下:【本文文案请下滑】  快穿系统部门第三中队队长,常年霸占任务完成榜TOP的大佬黎宴莫名其妙死在一个由数个小世界组成的副本里,还摇身一变成了需要攻略的世界boss,一时间部门里人人自危,所有人都暂停了工作——小世界濒临崩溃,大佬变成boss了!    与此同时,部门暗网中一个从未出现过的系统[黑桃K]悄无声息地侵占了总部网络,并强制指定第二中队的队长江同玉即刻前往小世界,调查黎宴死亡原因。    所有人都不禁倒吸一口凉气,没别的原因——江同玉,和黎宴完全是两个极端,任务排名常年倒数,上班摸鱼全靠用钱砸道具,据说是靠亲戚关系空降第二中队队长的那个废物!    小世界已经濒临崩塌,谁也不知道里面的情况,这不是让她去送死吗!    江同玉歪了歪头,带着自己鼓鼓囊囊

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Chapter 1 The Beginning

"Oh my god, why is it raining again? Can the weather forecast be accurate? Fortunately, there is a coffee shop in front. Let's go in and stay for a while?" A girl in a pleated skirt put her bag on her head. I grabbed my companion and ran into the coffee shop. I stomped the water on my leather shoes on the soft mat at the door. The clerk saw this and handed me a tissue.

This store is located in the narrowest alley in the downtown area. The location is not very good, so there are n
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