This villain is very flirtatious

Author:My color
Category:Romance Novels
6 people read
Last Updated:01/13/2025


预收《病弱皇子的冲喜小娘子》《废太子的早死原配》文案在下方,求收藏~本文文案:  摄政王柳池风,俊美无双,权倾朝野。但也心狠手辣,杀人如麻。所有人都怕他,视他为吃人的猛兽,索命的阎罗。  只有他的小妻子,经常两眼放光,主动往他跟前凑,还甜美可人地说着稀奇古怪的情话,像什么:  “大人,一日不见如隔三秋!”  “只有大人在,我的眼中才有色彩!”  身为女子,简直毫不知羞。  可天长日久,他一颗冷硬的心却渐渐化了。  可在某日,他却无意得知,她得了什么色盲症,要挨着他才能看见颜色……*爽文/甜文/1V1/HE/轻松风---------------预收《病弱皇子的冲喜小娘子》:  江若悠,广宣侯府四姑娘,生的貌若天仙,却天生社恐,不爱说话。  嫡母嫌她容貌太盛,怕她抢了嫡姐风头,对她不喜,即便她到了及笄之年,嫡母

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Chapter 1 Chapter 1

"This villain is very flirtatious"

Also known as "Get married or die, the villain lets me choose one"

July 18, 2021/Wucai

The strong feeling of suffocation forced Shen Junyue to open her eyes suddenly.

Under the dim light, what came into view was a man's face. He was beautiful, but as cold as frost.

The man had long hair and slightly narrowed eyes, with a faint murderous intent.

Shen Junyue had a big rou
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